Pre-Order & Pick-Up In Store

Browse our extensive catalogue of pre-order options, and place an order online to be picked up in store, at Best West Pet Foods in Brandon, MB. Orders are to be paid when they are picked up from our store.

Best West Pet Foods is your friendly neighborhood pet store that has been serving the West-Man area for over 40 years. We have over 100 aquariums full of freshwater plants, tropical and saltwater fish, corals and invertebrates plus all the supplies to keep them healthy. If you don't see it in stock, we will do our best to bring it in for you.

Please place your pre-order online by the pre-order date to be able to receive the order by the pick-up date, (see calendar below). Currently, we are receiving two deliveries from our supplier each month, one every other week.

  • Aqua-Cultured Livestock

    People may choose to purchase aqua-cultured livestock over their wild counterparts due to several reasons, including but not limited to sustainability, quality & consistency, reduced environmental impact, and others.

    Learn More About Aqua-Cultured Livestock 
  • Pre-Order and Pick-Up In Store

    We offer a wide selection of aquarium livestock and dry goods. All products on the website are available for pre-order and will be sent to Best West Pet Foods in Brandon, MA for pickup at 223 18th St N, Brandon, MB R7A 2V8.

    Questions? We Have Answers. 

Top-Selling Brands

No matter what saltwater aquarium product you might be looking for, we have you covered, from "A" to "R.O.E".